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virtual P6R::P6ERR P6R::p6IKMIPRequest::addNotify ( P6NCSTR  uniqueIdentifier,
P6UINT32  itemCount,
P6BOOL pIgnore,
pure virtual

A notify is used as the only batch item in a message.

A successful startRequestMsg function must be called first.

Notify (Section 5.1 KMIP spec, Server-to-Client Operations), this operation is pushed out to the client to notify it of changes to the object identified by the uniqueIdentifer parameter. To indicate that an attribute has been deleted its name is included in the notify message but its value is left out. To do this the caller defines all the attributes in pItemList and then defines a parallel array (of the same size as pItemList) placing P6TRUE is each attribute that has been deleted and P6FALSE otherwise.

uniqueIdentifier[ in ] the managed object which has changed
itemCount[ in ] the number of entries pointed to by pItemList
pItemList[ in ] A list of attributes that indicate the change to the object, only the attribute name and instance number are used (i.e., any attribute value set is ignored).
pIgnore[ in ] optional can be NULL, allows the caller to indicate which entry in pItemList should ignore its value when creating a notify message.
pExtension[ in ] optional can be NULL, vendor defined extension to the operation
FailureP6R::eNotInitializedA successful call to intialize() must be made before calling this funciton.
P6R::eTooSmallThe configured buffer size in pPool is too small to hold the generated message.
P6R::eInvalidStateA successful call to startRequestMsg() must be made before calling this function.
P6R::eRangepExtension->encodedExtension.length must be a multiple of 8, since encoded as the Vendor Extension Structure