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virtual P6R::P6ERR P6R::p6IKMIPClient::queryServer ( P6UINT32  queryCount,
P6UINT32 pQueryFunctions,
P6KMIP_SERVERINFO pCapabilities,
pure virtual

Query the KMIP server to determine it capabilities If an error is returned by the server any Result Message string (Section 6.11 KMIP spec) is placed in the log rather than returned as a result parameter.

queryCount[ in ] number of entries in the pQueryFunctions list
pQueryFunctions[ in ] one or more query function enumeration value, see Section in p6kmip.h
pExtension[ in ] optional can be NULL, vendor defined extension to the operation
pCapabilities[ out ] A set of enumerators returning all the requested capabilities of the KMIP server
pResult[ out ] Server returned status indicators
FailureP6R::eNotInitializedA successful call to initialize() is required.
P6R::eNotConnA successful call to open() is required before this function is called.
P6R::eInvalidArgOne of the pointers is NULL, or queryCount is zero.
P6R::eFormatErrorParsing error occurred while parsing a KMIP server response.
P6R::eTooBigMessage returned by server is too big to fit in configured buffers.
P6R::eTooSmallThe configured buffer size in P6KMIP_PREF.maxBufferSize is too small to hold the request message.