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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory> // nothrow
#include "p6com.h"
#include "p6loader.h" // Standalone Component Loader definitions
#include "p6regex.h" // Narrow string regular expression interfaces
#include "p6wregex.h" // Wide string regular expression interfaces
#include "p6split.h" // Narrow split and and explode using regex
#include "p6wsplit.h" // Wide split and and explode using wregex
#include "p6jsonreader.h" // Streaming JSON parser interfaces
#include "p6loader.h" // Standalone Component Loader definitions
#include "p6sax2contenthandler.h" // SAX2 content handler definitions
#include "p6sax2xmlreader.h" // Definitions for the main SAX2 interface
#include "p6sax2errorhandler.h" // SAX2 error handler definitions
#include "p6domxml.h" // DOM Parser interface definitions
#include "p6xmlnode.h" // XML and JSON node definitions
#include "p6xpathexpression.h" // XPATH 2.0 expression compilation interface definitions
#include "p6domnodeset.h" // DOM node enumeration interface definitions
#include "p6domnodesetsort.h" // DOM Node sorting interface definitions
#include "p6keystore.h"
#include "p6kmip.h"
#include "p6kmipclient.h"
#include "p6config.h"
#include "p6file.h"
#include "p6dir.h"
#include "p6gencerts.h"
#include "p6genkeys.h"
#include "cconsolestream.h"
#include "cwalkmessage.h"
using namespace P6R;
P6DECLARE_CID( p6EntropySource );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6Random );
P6DECLARE_IID( p6IRunningIface );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6Cert );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6GenCerts );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6GenKeys );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6Sign );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6SymmetricCrypto );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6CryptoKey );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6UnbufferedFile );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6Keystore );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6IoBufferFactory );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6TcpSocket );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6Netdb );
P6DECLARE_CID( p6IntervalTime );
namespace {
class CKmipExample13
P6CLASSMETHOD initialize();
P6CLASSMETHOD run( p6IDataStream* pStreamDebug );
CKmipExample13(): m_pResponse( NULL ),
m_pWalk( NULL ),
m_port( 0 ),
m_pHostName( NULL )
{ }
if (NULL != m_pHostName ) m_cpStr->wstrfree( m_pHostName );
if (NULL != m_cpStoreInit) m_cpStoreInit->close();
if (NULL != m_pResponse ) m_pResponse->release();
if (NULL != m_pWalk ) delete m_pWalk;
// -> create and use TLS connection to KMIP server
P6CLASSMETHOD createTLSSession();
P6CLASSMETHOD sendMessage( p6IIoBuffer* pRequest, p6ITcpSocket* pSocket, P6INTERVAL tTimeout, P6UINT32& cBytesSent );
// -> KMIP protocol related
P6CLASSMETHOD registerSecretData( P6BCSTR secretData, P6NCSTR* pUniqueId );
P6CLASSMETHOD getSecretData( P6NCSTR* pUniqueId, P6BSTR* pKeyMaterial );
P6CLASSMETHOD destroyObject( P6NCSTR* pUniqueId );
// -> supports crypto
P6CLASSMETHOD getRNG( p6IRandom **ppRandom );
P6CLASSMETHOD getIGenKeys( p6IGenKeys** ppGenKeys );
P6CLASSMETHOD getGenCerts( p6IGenCerts** ppIface );
// -> keystore related
P6CLASSMETHOD keystoreAddRootCertFromFile( p6IKeystore* pKeystore, const P6WCHAR* pszCertificateFile );
P6CLASSMETHOD keystoreAddClientCertFromFile( p6IKeystore* pKeystore, const P6WCHAR* pszHostname, const P6WCHAR* pszPrivateKeyFile, const P6WCHAR* pszCertificateFile );
P6CLASSMETHOD createKeystore( const P6WCHAR* pKeystoreName, const P6WCHAR* rootPEM, const P6WCHAR* certPEM, const P6WCHAR* privPEM, p6IKeystoreInit** pInit, p6IKeystore** pKeystore );
P6CLASSMETHOD createPKCS8Key( P6BSTR keyBuffer, P6SIZE keySize, p6ICryptoKey** ppNewKey );
// -> set up keystore used in TLS connection
p6ComPtr<p6ISymmetricCrypto> m_cpCrypto; // -> used to encrypt the contents of the keystore
p6ComPtr<p6ICryptoKey> m_cpSignKey; // -> keystore related
p6ComPtr<p6IRandom> m_cpRandom; // -> crypto related
p6ComPtr<p6IKeystore> m_cpKeystore; // -> the KMIP client requires that a properly initialzed keystore is setup
p6ComPtr<p6IKeystoreInit> m_cpStoreInit; // -> keystore related
// -> network connection related // Note: you can use our TLS library or your own to make a connection to the KMIP server
p6ComPtr<p6IIoBufferFactory> m_cpPool; // -> buffer pool for TLS socket
p6ComPtr<p6ITcpSocket> m_cpSocket; // -> TLS socket
p6IIoBuffer* m_pResponse; // -> read KMIP server response into this buffer
// -> KMIP protocol specific //
p6ComPtr<p6IKMIPEncoder> m_cpEncoder; // -> low level API to create binary KMIP messages
p6ComPtr<p6IKMIPDecoder> m_cpDecoder; // -> low level API to parse binary KMIP messages
p6ComPtr<p6IKMIPRequest> m_cpRequest; // -> low level API to create a binary KMIP request message
CWalkMessage* m_pWalk; // -> use pDecoder to walk the KMIP message to parse the full message
// -> misc items //
p6ComPtr<p6ISafeString> m_cpStr; // -> generic string library
P6UINT32 m_port; // -> KMIP server port to connect to
P6WCHAR* m_pHostName; // -> IP address or FQDN of KMIP server to connect to
// Create the key file (supplied by the server vendor) into a p6ICryptoKey object for SSL
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::createPKCS8Key( P6BSTR keyBuffer, P6SIZE keySize, p6ICryptoKey** ppNewKey )
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6CryptoKey, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6ICryptoKeyInit, cpKeyInit ))))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = cpKeyInit->initialize( P6CKF_NONE, m_cpRandom )))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = cpKeyInit->loadPKCS8Key( keyBuffer.pString, (P6UINT32) keyBuffer.length, (P6UINT32) keySize )))
err = cpKeyInit->queryInterface( VALIDATEIF( p6ICryptoKey, ppNewKey ));
return err;
// The contents of the keystore is protected by a key
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::getIGenKeys( p6IGenKeys** ppGenKeys )
P6ERR err = eOk;
*ppGenKeys = NULL;
// Create an instance of the p6IGenKeys interface and then initilize it for use
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6GenKeys, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IGenKeys, cpGenKeys ))))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = cpGenKeys->initialize( P6GENKEY_NOFLAGS, m_cpRandom )))
// On success, return an addref'd pointer to the interface, following P6COM reference counting rules.
// The detach method, transfers ownership of the interface to ppGenKeys without unneeded reference counting operations.
return err;
// We generate a certificate to go with the public / private key pair
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::getGenCerts( p6IGenCerts** ppIface )
P6ERR err = eOk;
*ppIface = NULL;
err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6GenCerts, VALIDATEIF( p6IGenCerts, ppIface ));
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err ))
err = (*ppIface)->initialize( P6GENCERTS_NOFLAGS );
if (P6FAILED(err))
*ppIface = NULL;
return err;
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::keystoreAddRootCertFromFile( p6IKeystore* pKeystore, const P6WCHAR* pszCertificateFile )
P6WCHAR certPath[P6MAXPATH+2] = {0};
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (!pKeystore || !pszCertificateFile) return eInvalidArg;
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetDirectory( P6D_CONF, certPath, P6MAXPATH, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( certPath, P6CNTOF(certPath), P6TEXT("/"), NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( certPath, P6CNTOF(certPath), pszCertificateFile, NULL ))) return err;
p6ComPtr<p6IKeystoreSSL> cpSSLHelp( pKeystore, IID_p6IKeystoreSSL, &err );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
err = cpSSLHelp->importTrustedRootCertFromPEMFile( certPath, NULL );
return err;
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::keystoreAddClientCertFromFile( p6IKeystore* pKeystore, const P6WCHAR* pszHostname, const P6WCHAR* pszPrivateKeyFile, const P6WCHAR* pszCertificateFile )
P6WCHAR certPath[P6MAXPATH+2] = {0};
P6WCHAR keyPath[P6MAXPATH+2] = {0};
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (!pKeystore || !pszHostname || !pszPrivateKeyFile || !pszCertificateFile ) return eInvalidArg;
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetDirectory( P6D_CONF, keyPath, P6MAXPATH, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( keyPath, P6CNTOF(keyPath), P6TEXT("/"), NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( keyPath, P6CNTOF(keyPath), pszPrivateKeyFile, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetDirectory( P6D_CONF, certPath, P6MAXPATH, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( certPath, P6CNTOF(certPath), P6TEXT("/"), NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( certPath, P6CNTOF(certPath), pszCertificateFile, NULL ))) return err;
p6ComPtr<p6IKeystoreSSL> cpSSLHelp( pKeystore, IID_p6IKeystoreSSL, &err );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
err = cpSSLHelp->importCredentialsPEM( P6TRUE, pszHostname, keyPath, certPath, NULL, NULL );
return err;
// Create a keystore and then load it with the information we need to connect to the KMIP server.
// P6R's SSL looks into the keystore for certificates and the private key when it starts a connection to the KMIP server.
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::createKeystore( const P6WCHAR* pKeystoreName, const P6WCHAR* rootPEM, const P6WCHAR* certPEM, const P6WCHAR* privPEM, p6IKeystoreInit** ppInit, p6IKeystore** ppKeystore )
P6ERR err = eOk;
*ppInit = NULL;
*ppKeystore = NULL;
// Create the keystore and fill it with vendor provided SSL certificates
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6Keystore, VALIDATEIF( p6IKeystoreInit, ppInit )))) return err;
err = (*ppInit)->queryInterface( VALIDATEIF( p6IKeystore, ppKeystore ));
if (P6FAILED( err = (*ppInit)->initialize( P6KEYSTORE_NOFLAGS, m_cpCrypto, SH_SHA256, m_cpSignKey )))
if (NULL != (*ppKeystore)) (*ppKeystore)->release();
(*ppKeystore) = NULL;
(*ppInit) = NULL;
return err;
* The first parameter of openSigned() is the file path where to create and access keystore databases.
* If NULL, then the keystore location will default to the P6R database directory (i.e., the "db" sub-directory).
* If the SKC is installed in a read-only directory then the first parameter will need to be set to
* an existing read/write directory.
if (P6FAILED( err = (*ppInit)->openSigned( NULL, pKeystoreName )))
if (NULL != (*ppKeystore)) (*ppKeystore)->release();
(*ppKeystore) = NULL;
(*ppInit) = NULL;
return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = keystoreAddRootCertFromFile( (*ppKeystore), rootPEM ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = keystoreAddClientCertFromFile( (*ppKeystore), m_pHostName, privPEM, certPEM ))) return err;
return eOk;
// Key generation requires an entropy source
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::getRNG( p6IRandom** ppRandom )
P6ERR err = eOk;
p6ComPtr<p6IRunningIface> cpRIT( IID_p6IRunningIface, &err );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6EntropySource, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IEntropySource, cpSource ))))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = cpSource->initialize( P6ENTROPY_HIGH )))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6Random, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IRandomInit, cpInit ))))
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = cpInit->initialize( P6RAND_NOFLAGS, cpSource ))) {
err = cpInit.queryInterface( VALIDATEIF( p6IRandom, ppRandom ));
return err;
// Send the bytes of the binary KMIP message to the server.
P6R::P6ERR CKmipExample13::sendMessage( p6IIoBuffer* pRequest, p6ITcpSocket* pSocket, P6INTERVAL tTimeout, P6UINT32& cBytesSent )
P6UINT8* pRawBuffer = NULL;
P6UINT32 dontCare = 0;
P6UINT32 bytesLeft = 0;
P6UINT32 bytesSent = 0;
P6UINT32 offset = 0;
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (P6FAILED( err = pRequest->getBufPtr( &pRawBuffer, &dontCare, &bytesLeft ))) return err;
while( P6SUCCEEDED(err) && 0 < bytesLeft )
err = pSocket->send( &pRawBuffer[offset], bytesLeft, &bytesSent, tTimeout );
bytesLeft -= bytesSent;
offset += bytesSent;
bytesSent = 0;
cBytesSent = offset;
return err;
// Replace the host name of "" to the fully qualified domain name of the server you wish to connect to.
P6R::P6ERR CKmipExample13::initialize()
P6ERR err = eOk;
P6WCHAR dbPath[P6MAXPATH+20] = {0};
// [A] Right now configuration is hard coded, but could read out of a config file later
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetRuntimeIface( VALIDATECOMPTR( p6ISafeString, m_cpStr )))) return err;
m_port = 5696;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrdup( P6TEXT(""), &m_pHostName ))) return err;
// [B] Set up the keystore and load in the certificates and keys needed for the TLS connection
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6Dir, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IDir, cpDir )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = cpDir->initialize())) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = getRNG( m_cpRandom.addressof()))) return err;
// -> create the keys required to encrypt the contents of the keystore
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = getIGenKeys( cpGenKey.addressof() )))
err = cpGenKey->genSymmetricKey( m_cpSignKey.addressof(), 256, P6FALSE );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
err = cpGenKey->genSymmetricKey( cpKey.addressof(), 256, P6FALSE );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) err = p6CreateCryptoInstance( CID_p6SymmetricCrypto, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6ISymmetricCrypto, m_cpCrypto ));
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) err = m_cpCrypto->initialize( P6SYM_NOPADDING, CIPHER_AES_CFB );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) err = m_cpCrypto->setKey( cpKey );
// -> initialize the keystore with keys provided to us by the server vendor
dbPath[0] = P6CHAR('\0');
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetDirectory( P6D_DATA, dbPath, P6MAXPATH, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( dbPath, P6CNTOF(dbPath), P6TEXT("/db/KMIP12_keystore"), NULL ))) return err;
cpDir->unlink( dbPath );
dbPath[0] = P6CHAR('\0');
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetDirectory( P6D_DATA, dbPath, P6MAXPATH, NULL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( dbPath, P6CNTOF(dbPath), P6TEXT("/db/KMIP12_keystore.sig"), NULL ))) return err;
cpDir->unlink( dbPath );
err = createKeystore( P6TEXT("KMIP12_keystore"), P6TEXT("RootCert.pem"), P6TEXT("ClientCert.pem"), P6TEXT("ClientPrivate.pem"), m_cpStoreInit.addressof(), m_cpKeystore.addressof());
if (P6FAILED( err )) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6IntervalTime, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IIntervalTime, m_cpIT )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpIT->initialize())) return err;
// [C] Buffers used by TLS networking and encoder
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6IoBufferFactory, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IIoBufferFactory, m_cpPool )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpPool->initialize( P6CTEXT("Buffer pool"), 8192, 2, 3, P6IOBF_NOFLAGS ))) return err;
// -> allocate one buffer to read responses into
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpPool->alloc( &m_pResponse ))) return err;
// [D] Create KMIP protocol specific objects
// -> low level KMIP encoder interface
P6KMIP_ENCODER_PREF encodePrefs = {0, 0, 0};
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6KMIPEncoder, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IKMIPEncoder, m_cpEncoder )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpEncoder->initialize( P6KMIPENCODER_NOFLAGS, P6KMIP_VERSION_12, m_cpPool, &encodePrefs ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpEncoder->queryInterface( VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IKMIPRequest, m_cpRequest )))) return err; // -> the encoder supports both request and response KMIP message generation
// -> low level KMIP decoder interface
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6KMIPDecoder, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IKMIPDecoder, m_cpDecoder )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpDecoder->initialize( P6KMIPDECODER_NOFLAGS ))) return err;
if (NULL == (m_pWalk = new (std::nothrow) CWalkMessage())) return eNoMemory;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_pWalk->initialize( m_cpDecoder ))) return err;
return err;
// Create a TLS socket and connect to the remote KMIP server.
// Note: you can use our TLS library or use your own networking in its place, the rest of the KMIP protocol handling does not change.
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::createTLSSession()
p6ComPtr<p6INetHelpers> cpNetHelper; // -> IP address formater
p6ComPtr<p6INetdb> cpNetdb; // -> domain name to IP address
p6ComPtr<p6ITcpSecureSocket> cpInitSSL; // -> set up TLS socket with ciphers etc
P6NETADDR netAddress;
P6NETADDR hostAddr;
P6ARG args[4];
P6WCHAR iphostName[100];
P6WCHAR ipPlusPort[100];
P6INTERVAL tTimeout = 0;
P6WCHAR* pAddr = NULL;
P6ERR err = eOk;
// [A] Convert the domain name into an IP address
if (P6FAILED( err = p6GetRuntimeIface( VALIDATECOMPTR( p6INetHelpers, cpNetHelper )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6Netdb, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6INetdb, cpNetdb )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = cpNetdb->initialize())) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = cpNetdb->getHostByNameW( m_pHostName, &hostAddr ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = cpNetHelper->netAddrToWStr( &hostAddr, iphostName, P6CNTOF(iphostName), NULL, P6FALSE ))) return err;
pAddr = iphostName;
// [B] Create a socket and then convert it to TLS mode
if (P6FAILED( err = p6CreateInstance( NULL, CID_p6TcpSocket, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6ITcpSocket, m_cpSocket )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpSocket->initialize( P6AF_INET, P6SF_SECURESSL ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpSocket->queryInterface( VALIDATECOMPTR( p6ITcpSecureSocket, cpInitSSL )))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err )) return err;
// [C] Connect to the remote KMIP server
ipPlusPort[0] = 0;
err = m_cpStr->wstrlcat( ipPlusPort, 100, P6CTEXT(""), NULL );
if (P6FAILED( err = cpNetHelper->wStrToNetAddr( ipPlusPort, &netAddress ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpSocket->bind( &netAddress ))) return err;
// -> format the KMIP server's IP address and port
P6AI_WCHARPTR( &args[0], pAddr );
P6AI_UINT32( &args[1], m_port );
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpStr->formatStringW( ipPlusPort, P6CNTOF(ipPlusPort), NULL, P6CTEXT("%1$:%2$"), args, 2 ))) return err;
if (P6FAILED( err = cpNetHelper->wStrToNetAddr( ipPlusPort, &netAddress ))) return err;
m_cpIT->milliSecondsToInterval( 10000, &tTimeout );
return m_cpSocket->connect( &netAddress, tTimeout );
// Generic function to remove an object off of the KMIP server by its unique identifer
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::destroyObject( P6NCSTR* pUniqueId )
KMIPMSG_RESULT result = { 0, 0, {NULL, 0 }};
p6IIoBuffer* pReqBuf = NULL;
P6UINT32 cBytesSent = 0;
P6UINT32 cBytesRead = 0;
P6INTERVAL tTimeout = 0;
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (NULL == pUniqueId->pString) return eFail;
// -> create a Destroy KMIP message request
m_cpStr->setMem( &params, 0, sizeof( P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS )); // P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS lets you customize the KMIP request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->startRequestMsg( params ))) return err; // -> tell the encoder to start a new KMIP request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->addDestroyRequest( *pUniqueId, NULL ))) return err; // -> add the Destroy operation to that message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->endRequestMsg())) return err; // -> tell the encoder that the KMIP request message is done
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpEncoder->getBufPtr( &pReqBuf ))) return err; // -> get out the encoded request message from the encoder
// -> send the message to the server
m_cpIT->milliSecondsToInterval( 10000, &tTimeout );
err = sendMessage( pReqBuf, m_cpSocket, tTimeout, cBytesSent );
pReqBuf = NULL;
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err ))
// -> wait for a respnse and then parse the message using the m_pWalk object
P6UINT8* pBuffer = NULL;
P6UINT32 bufSize = 0;
P6UINT32 bufUsed = 0;
err = m_pResponse->setUsed( 0 );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->getBufPtr( &pBuffer, &bufSize, &bufUsed ))) // -> get the byte buffer out of the m_pResponse object
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_cpSocket->recv( pBuffer, bufSize, &cBytesRead, tTimeout ))) // -> receive the KMIP server response into pBuffer
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->setUsed( cBytesRead ))) // -> mark how many bytes of the pBuffer have data in them
// On success the "result.resultStatus" parameter will contain KMIP_RESULT_SUCCESS value indicating that the object was deleted
// -> look at the file cwalkmessage.h and cwalkmessage.cpp for how we parse the KMIP server response message
// -> Note: that "result" contains detailed error information if our KMIP request has failed
err = m_pWalk->getResponseResult( m_pResponse, KMIP_OP_DESTROY, &result );
// -> did we fail trying to destroy the object?
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
if (KMIP_RESULT_SUCCESS != result.resultStatus) return eFail;
return err;
// Fetch the contents of the secret data already stored on the KMIP server by its unique identifer.
// Secret Data is store in the key material part of the KMIP response message.
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::getSecretData( P6NCSTR* pUniqueId, P6BSTR* pKeyMaterial )
KMIPMSG_RESULT result = { 0, 0, {NULL, 0 }};
p6IIoBuffer* pReqBuf = NULL;
P6NCSTR objId = { NULL, 0 };
P6UINT32 cBytesSent = 0;
P6UINT32 cBytesRead = 0;
P6INTERVAL tTimeout = 0;
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (NULL == pUniqueId->pString) return eFail;
// -> create a GET KMIP message request
// -> Note: the KMIP encoder API lets you build any complex message between the "startRequestMsg", and "endRequestMsg" calls
m_cpStr->setMem( &params, 0, sizeof( P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS )); // P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS lets you customize the KMIP request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->startRequestMsg( params ))) return err; // -> tell the encoder to start a new KMIP request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->addGetRequest( *pUniqueId, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ))) return err; // -> add the Get operation to that message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->endRequestMsg())) return err; // -> tell the encoder that the KMIP request message is done
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpEncoder->getBufPtr( &pReqBuf ))) return err; // -> get out the encoded request message from the encoder
// -> send the message to the server
m_cpIT->milliSecondsToInterval( 10000, &tTimeout );
err = sendMessage( pReqBuf, m_cpSocket, tTimeout, cBytesSent );
pReqBuf = NULL;
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err ))
P6UINT8* pBuffer = NULL;
P6UINT32 bufSize = 0;
P6UINT32 bufUsed = 0;
err = m_pResponse->setUsed( 0 );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->getBufPtr( &pBuffer, &bufSize, &bufUsed ))) // -> get the byte buffer out of the m_pResponse object
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_cpSocket->recv( pBuffer, bufSize, &cBytesRead, tTimeout ))) // -> receive the KMIP server response into pBuffer
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->setUsed( cBytesRead ))) // -> mark how many bytes of the pBuffer have data in them
// On success pKeyMaterial contains an allocated buffer with the bytes of the secret data that was stored in the KMIP server,
// also another copy of uniqueId is returned by the server
// -> look at the file cwalkmessage.h and cwalkmessage.cpp for how we parse the KMIP server response message
// -> Note: that "result" contains detailed error information if our KMIP request has failed
err = m_pWalk->getResponseKeyMaterial( m_pResponse, &objId, pKeyMaterial, &result );
// -> we could test to see if objId matches the uniqueId parameter
if (NULL != objId.pString) delete [] objId.pString;
// -> did we fail trying to destroy the object?
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
if (KMIP_RESULT_SUCCESS != result.resultStatus) return eFail;
return err;
// Store the secret data on the KMIP server.
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::registerSecretData( P6BCSTR secretData, P6NCSTR* pUniqueId )
P6KMIP_TEMPLATEATTRIBUTE attributes; // -> not used in our test case, only for adding attributes directly to the object stored on the server
KMIPMSG_RESULT result = { 0, 0, {NULL, 0 }};
p6IIoBuffer* pReqBuf = NULL;
P6UINT32 cBytesSent = 0;
P6UINT32 cBytesRead = 0;
P6INTERVAL tTimeout = 0;
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (NULL == secretData.pString) return eFail;
// -> create a Register KMIP message request
m_cpStr->setMem( &params, 0, sizeof( P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS )); // P6KMIP_REQUESTPARAMS lets you customize the KMIP request message
m_cpStr->setMem( &attributes, 0, sizeof( P6KMIP_TEMPLATEATTRIBUTE ));
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->startRequestMsg( params ))) return err; // -> tell the encoder to start a new KMIP request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->addRegisterSecretDataRequest( KMIP_SECRET_SEED, secretData, NULL, attributes, NULL ))) return err; // -> add a Register operation to the request message
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpRequest->endRequestMsg())) return err; // -> tell the encoder that the KMIP request message is done
if (P6FAILED( err = m_cpEncoder->getBufPtr( &pReqBuf ))) return err; // -> get out the encoded request message from the encoder
// -> send the message to the server
m_cpIT->milliSecondsToInterval( 10000, &tTimeout );
err = sendMessage( pReqBuf, m_cpSocket, tTimeout, cBytesSent );
pReqBuf = NULL;
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err ))
P6UINT8* pBuffer = NULL;
P6UINT32 bufSize = 0;
P6UINT32 bufUsed = 0;
err = m_pResponse->setUsed( 0 );
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->getBufPtr( &pBuffer, &bufSize, &bufUsed ))) // -> get the byte buffer out of the m_pResponse object
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_cpSocket->recv( pBuffer, bufSize, &cBytesRead, tTimeout ))) // -> receive the KMIP server response into pBuffer
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = m_pResponse->setUsed( cBytesRead ))) // -> mark how many bytes of the pBuffer have data in them
// On success pUniqueId contains an identifier for the registered secret data that was assigned by the KMIP server
// -> look at the file cwalkmessage.h and cwalkmessage.cpp for how we parse the KMIP server response message
// -> Note: that "result" contains detailed error information if our KMIP request has failed
err = m_pWalk->getResponseUniqueId( m_pResponse, KMIP_OP_REGISTER, pUniqueId, &result );
// -> did we fail trying to destroy the object?
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err )) {
if (KMIP_RESULT_SUCCESS != result.resultStatus) return eFail;
return err;
// Main client function
P6CLASSMETHODIMPL CKmipExample13::run( p6IDataStream* pStreamDebug )
P6NCSTR uniqueId = { NULL, 0 };
P6BSTR keyMaterial = { NULL, 0 };
P6BCSTR secretData = { NULL, 0 };
P6ERR err = eOk;
const P6UCHAR fakeSecretData[] = { 0x53,0x65,0x63,0x72,0x65,0x82,0x74,0x50,0x02,0x61,0x73,0x73,0x77,0x6F,0x72,0x64 };
if (P6FAILED( err = createTLSSession())) return err;
secretData.pString = fakeSecretData;
secretData.length = sizeof( fakeSecretData );
if ( P6FAILED( err = registerSecretData( secretData, &uniqueId ))) {
printf( "\nFailed to store secret data on KMIP server %x\n", err );
return err;
else printf( "\nSecret Data's unique identifer [%s] %ld\n", uniqueId.pString, (P6ULONG)uniqueId.length );
// -> compare what data we sent to the server and what we got back
if ( P6SUCCEEDED( err = getSecretData( &uniqueId, &keyMaterial )))
if ( keyMaterial.length != sizeof( fakeSecretData )) {
printf( "\nSecret data size mismatch %d %ld\n", (P6UINT32)sizeof(fakeSecretData), (P6ULONG)keyMaterial.length );
{ for( P6UINT32 i=0; i < keyMaterial.length; i++ )
if (fakeSecretData[i] != keyMaterial.pString[i]) {
printf("\nSecret data value mismatch offset: %d\n", i );
else printf( "\nFailed to Get Secret data from the server %x\n", err );
// -> clean up
if (P6FAILED( err = destroyObject( &uniqueId ))) {
printf( "\nFailed to Destroy Secret data off the server %x\n", err );
if (NULL != uniqueId.pString ) delete [] uniqueId.pString;
if (NULL != keyMaterial.pString) delete [] keyMaterial.pString;
return err;
P6VOID KMIP_SecretData( p6IDataStream* pDataStream )
CKmipExample13 example;
P6CHAR szTmp[32];
P6ERR err = eOk;
if (P6SUCCEEDED( err = example.initialize())) {
err = pDataStream );
printf( "KMIP result: [ %s ]\n", p6ErrToStr( err, &szTmp[0], P6CHARCNT(szTmp)) );
} // namespace
// p6InitializeLoader() must be called before anything else can run.
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
P6ERR err = eOk;
if ( P6SUCCEEDED( err = P6EXAMPLES::CConsoleStream::createInstance( NULL, VALIDATECOMPTR( p6IDataStream, cpDataStream ))))
if ( P6SUCCEEDED( err = p6InitializeLoader( cpDataStream, 9, P6SCLF_ALLLOG )))
KMIP_SecretData( cpDataStream );
else printf("ERROR: Failed to initialize the loader [ %x ]\n", err );
else printf( "ERROR: Failed to create CConsoleStream [ %x ]\n", err );
return err;