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package com.p6r.kmip;
import org.junit.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
public class JniWrappingKmip {
private static final String _hostName = "";
public static void oneTimeSetUp() {
System.out.println("@BeforeClass - oneTimeSetUp");
public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
System.out.println("@AfterClass - oneTimeTearDown");
public void setUp() {
System.out.println("@Before - setUp");
public void tearDown() {
System.out.println("@After - tearDown");
public void JNICall_wrappingKMIP() {
System.out.println("@Test - JNICall-wrappingKMIP");
String dataKeyUID = null;
String unwrappedKeyUID = null;
String kekUID = null;
TransparentSymmetricKey symKey = null;
P6KMIPClient kc = new P6KMIPClient();
try {
kc.initializeLibrary(P6KMIPClient.FLAGS_NONE);, null);
// [A] Get the key to wrap and the Key Encrypting Key (KEK)
dataKeyUID = kc.createSymmetricKey(KMIPConstants.ALG_AES, 128, (KMIPConstants.USAGE_MASK_ENCRYPT | KMIPConstants.USAGE_MASK_DECRYPT));
System.out.println("UID of AES key to be wrapped: " + dataKeyUID);
// -> display the original data key
TransparentKey inTheClear = kc.getSymmetricKey(dataKeyUID);
if (inTheClear instanceof TransparentSymmetricKey) {
symKey = (TransparentSymmetricKey) inTheClear;
SecretKeySpec sks = symKey.getSecretKeySpec();
System.out.println("Secret key, algorithm: " + sks.getAlgorithm() + ", format: " + sks.getFormat() + "\n\n");
assertEquals(sks.getAlgorithm(), "AES");
byte[] keyMaterial = sks.getEncoded();
System.out.println("The original key bytes [" + keyMaterial.length + "]");
for (int i = 0; i < keyMaterial.length; i++) {
System.out.print(keyMaterial[i] + ", ");
} else assertEquals(0, 1);
kekUID = kc.createSymmetricKey(KMIPConstants.ALG_AES, 128, KMIPConstants.USAGE_MASK_WRAPKEY);
System.out.println("\nUID of AES key as KEK: " + kekUID);
// -> the key must be activated before we can use it on the server to do encryption
// [B] Ask the server to give us the data key wrapped in the KEK
WrappedKey wk = kc.getWrappedKey(dataKeyUID, kekUID, KMIPConstants.MODE_NISTKEYWRAP);
assertNotEquals(null, wk);
byte[] cipherText = wk.getWrappedBytes();
System.out.println("\nThe wrapped key algorithm: " + wk.getAlgorithm() + ", key length: " + wk.getKeyLength());
System.out.println("The wrapped key bytes [" + cipherText.length + "]");
for (int i = 0; i < cipherText.length; i++) {
System.out.print(cipherText[i] + ", ");
// [C] Now try to write it back to the server, note that many KMIP servers will not unwrap a key
try {
unwrappedKeyUID = kc.unwrapKey(kekUID, KMIPConstants.MODE_NISTKEYWRAP, cipherText, KMIPConstants.OBJECT_SYMMETRICKEY, KMIPConstants.ALG_AES, 128, (KMIPConstants.USAGE_MASK_ENCRYPT | KMIPConstants.USAGE_MASK_DECRYPT));
System.out.println("\nUID of unwrapped key: " + unwrappedKeyUID);
// -> did the server really unwrap the key?
inTheClear = kc.getSymmetricKey(unwrappedKeyUID);
if (inTheClear instanceof TransparentSymmetricKey) {
symKey = (TransparentSymmetricKey) inTheClear;
SecretKeySpec sks = symKey.getSecretKeySpec();
System.out.println("Secret key, algorithm: " + sks.getAlgorithm() + ", format: " + sks.getFormat() + "\n");
assertEquals(sks.getAlgorithm(), "AES");
byte[] keyMaterial = sks.getEncoded();
System.out.println("The key bytes after being unwrapped should equal the original bytes, if not then the unwrap did not work [" + keyMaterial.length + "]");
for (int i = 0; i < keyMaterial.length; i++) {
System.out.print(keyMaterial[i] + ", ");
} else assertEquals(0, 1);
catch( Exception e ) {
if (null != unwrappedKeyUID) kc.destroy(unwrappedKeyUID);
// [D] An active key cannot be destroyed
kc.revoke(kekUID, KMIPConstants.REVOCATION_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION, "Done with test 1");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals(0, 1);